Important Notice: In our ongoing effort to improve accessibility and ensure that all users can easily access our services, this page will be retired in Spring 2025. We are committed to providing a more inclusive experience, and as part of this initiative, we are transitioning to a new platform that better meets accessibility standards. For the latest information and services, please visit our updated page at Citrus College Schedule. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we make these important updates. Thank you. |
EOPS - EOPS | ||||||||||||||||
EOPS 210 - EOP&S Summer Bridge | ||||||||||||||||
Status |
Subj |
Crs# |
Sect |
Cred |
Meeting Time |
Location |
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Act |
Rem |
Instructor |
Date |
Weeks |
Bookstore |
On-Campus Requirements |
Zero Textbook Cost |
HYBRID ON-CAMPUS/ONLINE CLASS. Strongly recommended for current high school graduates. For success tips, see NO REAL-TIME VIDEO-CONFERENCING. Lecture is held on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 pm. remaining classwork takes place on Canvas. Zero textbook cost. | ||||||||||||||||
Completed | 43091 | EOPS | 210 | 010 | 3 | TR 10:30AM - 12:00PM | SS 211 | 30 | 16 | 14 | Cuara, Teresa | 06/26-08/04 | 6 | Get Books | Y | ONLINE | ONLINE   |   | 06/26-08/04 |   |
End of report |